Alphabethical index of shorts
Titles started with 'M'

| Index | Short subject |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z *
 1. Madame Mystery (1926)
 2. Mademoiselle Faust (1909)
 3. Madre e la Morte, La (1911)
 4. Magic Skin, The (1914)
 5. Magic Sword, The (1901)
 6. Magnetic Influence, A (1912)
 7. Magnétiseur, Le (1897)
 8. Main coupée, La (1910)
 9. Mains, Les (1911)
 10. Maison ensorcelée, La (1908)
 11. Maison hantée, La (1906)
 12. Making Sausages (1897)
 13. Man and His Bottle, The (1908)
 14. Man and the Snake, The (1972)
 15. Man from Nowhere, The (1915)
 16. Man from the 25th Century, The (1968)
 17. Man in the Street #1 The Man in the Street (1913)
 18. Man in the Street #2 The Jeweled Slippers (1913)
 19. Man in the Street #3 The Invisible Government (1913)
 20. Man in the Street #4 The Conscience Fund (1913)
 21. Man Tamer, The (1927)
 22. Man Who Vanished, The (1913)
 23. Man Who Woke Up, The (1921)
 24. Man with the Scar, The (1926)
 25. Man's Genesis (1912)
 26. Man-Getter, The (1919)
 27. Maniac 2: Mr. Robbie (1989)
 28. Manoir du Diable, Le (1896)
 29. Mansard Mystery, The (1916)
 30. Mar 6 (2000)
 31. Marah, the Pythoness (1914)
 32. Marchand d'images, Le (1910)
 33. Maria Marten (1908)
 34. MARIAGE DE L'AMOUR, LE (1913)
 35. Mariage de Thomas Poirot, Le (1908)
 36. Martillo: Crónica de un Mito, El (2003)
 37. Martin of the Mounted (1926)
 38. Mary's Nightmare (1920)
 39. MASSACRE, THE (1912)
 40. Max hypnotisé (1910)
 41. Max victime de la Main-qui-étreint (1916)
 42. Mea Maxima Culpa (2010)
 43. Medium's Nemesis, The (1913)
 44. Melody of Doom, The (1915)
 45. Menace of Fate, The (1914)
 46. Menace of the Mounted (1927)
 47. MENACE, THE (1928)
 48. Mephisto and the Maiden (1909)
 49. Mercy, the Mummy Mumbled (1918)
 50. Meridiem (2004)
 51. Merry Mavericks (1951)
 52. Merry Widower (1926)
 53. Meshes of the Afternoon (1943)
 54. Message from Outer Space, A (2004)
 55. Messenger, The (2003)
 56. Metamorfosis (2004)
 57. Métempsycose (1907)
 58. Mètres Carrés (2004)
 59. Mexman (2004)
 60. Mickey's Midnite Follies (1929)
 61. Midnight (1917)
 62. Midnight Raiders, The (1921)
 63. Midnight Scare, A (1914)
 64. Midnight Sun (2003)
 65. Midnight Tragedy, A (1914)
 66. Milagro de la Sangre, El (1996)
 67. Mind's Eye (1998)
 68. Mind's I, A (2003)
 69. Mingling Spirits (1916)
 70. Minotaur, The (1910)
 71. Mirindas Asesinas (1991)
 72. Miroir magique, Le (1908)
 73. Miroir pour fiancés (1910)
 74. Mirror and Markheim, The (1954)
 75. Miser's Doom, The (1899)
 76. Miss Jekyll and Madame Hyde (1915)
 77. Miss Trillie's Big Feet (1915)
 78. Missa Solemnis (1985)
 79. MISSING LINK,THE (1917)
 80. Missing Mummy, The (1915)
 81. Mister Vampire (1916)
 82. Misterio de la Dama de Gris, El (1938)
 83. Mistletoe Bough, The (1904)
 84. Moan and Groan, Inc. (1929)
 85. Modan Kaidan: 100,000,000 Yen (1929)
 86. Modern Dr. Jekyll, A (1909)
 87. Modern Jekyll and Hyde, A (1913)
 88. Modern Sphinx, A (1916)
 89. Molina's Test (2001)
 90. Momie du roi, La (1909)
 91. Momie, La (1908)
 92. Monkey Shines (1920)
 93. Monsieur Lecoq (1914)
 94. Monster (2001)
 95. Monster in Salzburg (1982)
 96. Monster or She Monster (2002)
 97. Monstre, Le (1903)
 98. Moonstone of Fez, The (1914)
 99. Moonstone, The (1909)
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