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 List of movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- Moonstone of Fez, The (1914) [Vitagraph]
... Dirección
- Plot, The (1914) [Vitagraph]
... Dirección
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- FLAMING CLUE (1920) .... King
- Poster STOLEN TREATY, THE (1917) .... Secretario de Estado
- SURPRISES OF AN EMPTY HOTEL, THE (1916) .... Henry Barclay
- Poster GODDESS, THE (1915) .... Carson
- Moonstone of Fez, The (1914) .... Cónsul
- Plot, The (1914) .... Sr. Kasso, el Embajador
- Conscience (1912) .... Of. Donnelly
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