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 Filmografía parcial
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- Poster WILD BILL (1995) .... Curly
- Poster MAVERICK (1994) .... Hombre Barbado Steve Chambers]
- Poster SHADOW, THE (1994) .... Doble de Alec Baldwin
- Poster DANCES WITH WOLVES (1990) .... Guardia
- Poster LONG RIDERS, THE (1980) .... Pinkerton [como Steve Chambers]
- Poster MOUNTAIN MEN, THE (1980) .... Guerrero Piesnegros [como Steve D. Chambers]
- FANTASY ISLAND 1/007 THE FUNNY GIRL - BUTCH AND SUNDANCE (1978) .... Curley [como Steve Chambers]
- KUNG FU 2/18 THE CHALICE (1973) .... Kunkel
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