Robert Greig

Robert Greig
 Biographical data


 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Robert Greig movies
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- Poster FOREVER AMBER (1947) .... Magistrado
- Poster PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY, THE (1945) .... Sir Thomas
- Poster ARABIAN NIGHTS (1942) .... Fabulista
- Poster I MARRIED A WITCH (1942) .... Pregonero
- Poster DRUMS ALONG THE MOHAWK (1939) .... Mr. Borst
- Poster TOWER OF LONDON (1939) .... Padre Olmstead
- Poster LAW WEST OF TOMBSTONE, THE (1938) .... Pueblerino
- Poster MIDNIGHT INTRUDER (1938) .... Willetts, Mayordomo de Reitter
- Poster THREE LIVE GHOSTS (1936) .... Ferguson, Mayordomo de Brockton
- Poster DEVIL-DOLL, THE (1936) .... Emile Coulvet
- LLOYDS OF LONDON (1936) .... Lord Drayton
- Poster TROUBLE FOR TWO (1936) .... Hombre Gordo
- Poster BISHOP MISBEHAVES, THE (1935) .... Rosalind
- Poster MARK OF THE VAMPIRE (1935) .... Hombre Gordo
- Poster LOVE CAPTIVE, THE (1934) .... 1er. Mayordomo
- Poster IT'S GREAT TO BE ALIVE (1933) .... Perkins
- Poster MIND READER, THE (1933) .... Swami
- MEN MUST FIGHT (1933) .... Albert, el Mayordomo
- Poster CONQUERORS, THE (1932) .... Mr. Downey
- Poster ROBBERS' ROOST (1932) .... Tulliver
 External links
Versión en Español
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