Richard Walsh

 Biographical data


 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Richard Walsh movies
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- Poster FATE IS THE HUNTER (1964) .... Entrevistador Radial
- Poster NORTHERN PATROL (1953) .... Condestable Ralph Gregg
- Poster SMART GIRLS DON'T TALK (1948) .... Johnny Warjak
- Poster WHIPLASH (1948) .... Asistente
- Poster DARK PASSAGE (1947) .... Policía
- Poster NORA PRENTISS (1947) .... Cliente
- Poster POSSESSED (1947) .... Face
- Poster UNFAITHFUL, THE (1947) .... Reportero
- Poster UNSUSPECTED, THE (1947) .... Reportero
- Poster CLOAK AND DAGGER (1946) .... Sargento Americano
- Poster DECEPTION (1946) .... Portero
 External links
Versión en Español
Cinefania Online
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