Patti McCarty

 Biographical data


 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Patti McCarty movies
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- Poster OVERLAND RIDERS (1946) .... Jean Barkley [credited as Patti McCarthy]
- Poster TERRORS ON HORSEBACK (1946) .... Roxie
- Poster BLUEBEARD (1944) .... Babette
- Poster GANGSTERS OF THE FRONTIER (1944) .... Jane Deering
- Poster RUSTLERS' HIDEOUT (1944) .... Barbara Crockett
- Poster GUNSMOKE MESA (1944) .... Joan Royal
- Poster FUZZY SETTLES DOWN (1944) .... Edith Martin [credited as Patti McCarthy]
- Poster FIGHTING VALLEY (1943) .... Joan Manning
- Poster ISLE OF FORGOTTEN SINS (1943) .... Bobbie
- Poster DEATH RIDES THE PLAINS (1943) .... Virginia Marshall [credited as Nita Doret]
- Poster DEVIL RIDERS (1943) .... Sally Farrell [credited as Patti McCarthy]
- Poster PRAIRIE STRANGER (1941) .... Sue Evans
 External links
Versión en Español
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