Leonard Mudie

Leonard Mudie
 Biographical data
Birth name, credit names: Leonard Mudie Cheetham
Birth: 11 April 1883
Death: 14 April 1965
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Leonard Mudie
Leonard Mudie
Leonard Mudie
 Leonard Mudie 

 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Leonard Mudie movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- Poster BIG FISHERMAN, THE (1959) .... Ilderán
- Poster STORY OF MANKIND, THE (1957) .... Inquisidor
- Poster DIANE (1956) .... Portero
- SUPERMAN 4/077 THE JOLLY ROGER (1956) .... Capitán Blodd
- Poster KISS ME DEADLY (1955) .... Encargado del Club
- SUPERMAN 3/060 THE MAGIC NECKLACE (1955) .... Prof. Jody
- Poster MAGNETIC MONSTER, THE (1953) .... Howard Denker
- SUPERMAN 1/018 DRUMS OF DEATH (1953) .... Leland Masters
- Poster SUPERMAN 2/032 A GHOST FOR SCOTLAND YARD (1953) .... Brookhurst
- Poster LORNA DOONE (1951) .... Calvin Oates Sr.
- Poster SON OF DR. JEKYLL, THE (1951) .... Farmacéutico
- Poster WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE (1951) .... Embajador Británico
- Poster CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR'S COURT, A (1949) .... Asistente del Alcalde
- Poster CHECKERED COAT, THE (1948) .... Jerry
- Poster BULLDOG DRUMMOND AT BAY (1947) .... Meredith
- Poster LOCKET, THE (1946) .... Hickson, Centinela
- Poster MY NAME IS JULIA ROSS (1945) .... Peters, el Mayordomo
- Poster SCARLET CLUE, THE (1945) .... Horace Karlos
- Poster BERLIN CORRESPONDENT (1942) .... George, Prisionero Inglés
- Poster RAGE IN HEAVEN (1941) .... Sacerdote
- Poster NURSE'S SECRET, THE (1941) .... Hugo, el Mayordomo
- Poster BRITISH INTELLIGENCE (1940) .... James Yeats
- Poster CHARLIE CHAN'S MURDER CRUISE (1940) .... Walter Pendleton
- Poster FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT (1940) .... Inspector McKenna
- Poster LETTER, THE (1940) .... Fred Hammond
- Poster YOU'LL FIND OUT (1940) .... el Real Fenniger
- Poster ARREST BULLDOG DRUMMOND (1939) .... Robin Gannett
- Poster NANCY DREW... REPORTER (1939) .... Garrett, Asistente del Fiscal de Distrito
- Poster DEVIL'S ISLAND (1939) .... Abogado General
- Poster MAD MISS MANTON, THE (1938) .... Dueño del Periódico
- Poster MYSTERIOUS MR. MOTO (1938) .... Monk
- Poster JURY'S SECRET, THE (1938) .... Fiscal de Distrito
- Poster LANCER SPY (1937) .... Político
- Poster LEAGUE OF FRIGHTENED MEN, THE (1937) .... Prof. Hibbard
- Poster LONDON BY NIGHT (1937) .... Squires
- Poster LOST HORIZON (1937) .... Secretario de Asuntos Exteriores
- Historical Mystery #1 The King Without a Crown (1937) .... Eleazar Williams
- Poster ANTHONY ADVERSE (1936) .... DeBourrienne
- LLOYDS OF LONDON (1936) .... Mesero
- Poster GREAT IMPERSONATION, THE (1935) .... Mangan
- Poster RENDEZVOUS (1935) .... Roberts
- Poster CLEOPATRA (1934) .... Pothino
- Poster MYSTERY OF MR. X, THE (1934) .... Mr. X
- Poster MUMMY, THE (1932) .... Profesor Pearson
- Cole Case, The (1932) .... Fred Cole / Jeff Cole
- Poster MESSAGE FROM MARS, A (1921) .... Fred Jones
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