Leo J. McMahon

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 List of movies
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- Poster GUNPLAY (1951) .... Zeke, un Secuaz [credited as Leo McMahon]
- Poster WARPATH (1951) .... Doble de Riesgo
- Poster STORM OVER WYOMING (1950) .... Zeke [credited as Leo McMahon]
- Poster STATION WEST (1948) .... Secuaz
- Poster RIDERS OF DEATH VALLEY (1941) .... Parroquiano (ep. 10)
- Poster BORDER LEGION, THE (1940) .... Parroquiano
- Poster CARSON CITY KID, THE (1940) .... Cowboy
- Poster CHEROKEE STRIP (1940) .... Jinete de Lovell
- Poster RENEGADE TRAIL (1939) .... Ganadero
- Poster HEART OF ARIZONA (1938) .... Twister [credited as Leo MacMahon]
- Poster PRIDE OF THE WEST (1938) .... Johnson, un Secuaz
- Poster MYSTERIOUS RIDER, THE (1938) .... Montana, un Peón / Doble de Riesgo
- Poster CASSIDY OF BAR 20 (1938) .... Doble de Riesgo
- Poster BORDERLAND (1937) .... Secuaz
- Poster HILLS OF OLD WYOMING (1937) .... Steve, un Peón [credited as Leo Mac Mahon]
- Poster HOPALONG RIDES AGAIN (1937) .... Peón de Bar 20 / Doble de Riesgo
- Poster NORTH OF THE RIO GRANDE (1937) .... Pete
- Poster RUSTLERS' VALLEY (1937) .... Art, un Peón
- Poster TEXAS TRAIL (1937) .... Cabo
- Poster HOPALONG CASSIDY RETURNS (1936) .... Peón
- Poster TRAIL DUST (1936) .... Bob, un Peón [credited as Robert Drew]
- Poster HEART OF THE WEST (1936) .... Secuaz / Doble de Riesgo
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