John Ruddock

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 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of John Ruddock movies
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- SURVIVORS 3/31 BRIDGEHEAD (1977) .... Bagley
- THRILLER 6/42 A MIDSUMMER NIGHTMARE (1976) .... Williams
- AVENGERS 2/027 MR. TEDDY BEAR (1962) .... Dr. James Howell
- Poster MARTIN LUTHER (1953) .... Vicario von Staupitz
- Poster SECRET PEOPLE (1952) .... Daly
- Poster QUO VADIS? (1951) .... Chilo
- Poster UNDER CAPRICORN (1949) .... Mr. Potter
- Poster FALLEN IDOL, THE (1948) .... Dr. Wilson
- LISBON STORY (1946) .... Pierre Sargon
- Poster WANTED FOR MURDER (1946) .... Vagabundo
- Poster NIGHT BOAT TO DUBLIN (1946) .... Bowman
- Poster PINK STRING AND SEALING WAX (1945) .... Judge
- Poster ESCAPE TO DANGER (1943) .... Jim
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