John P. Wade

 Biographical data


 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of John P. Wade movies
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- Poster CAROLINA MOON (1940) .... Weston
- Poster COLORADO SUNSET (1939) .... Pueblerino
- Poster DICK TRACY RETURNS (1938) .... Dr. Worthing, Astrónomo (ep. 4)
- Poster HEROES OF THE HILLS (1938) .... Ejecutivo [credited as John Wade]
- Poster RIDERS OF THE BLACK HILLS (1938) .... Ed Harvey
- Poster MANIAC (1935) .... Embalsamador [credited as J.P. Wade]
- Poster KING KONG (1933) .... Guerrero
- Poster WAKEFIELD CASE, THE (1921) .... Wakefield Sr.
- Poster TRAILED BY THREE (1920) .... James Carewe
- Poster EAGLE'S EYE, THE (1918) .... Capt. Karl Boy-Ed
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