Joe Dallesandro

Joe Dallesandro
 Biographical data
Birth: 1948


 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Joe Dallesandro movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- Poster LIMEY, THE (1999) .... Tío John [credited as Joe Dallessandro]
- HOLLYWOOD DETECTIVE, THE (1989) .... Eddie Northcott
- Poster SUNSET (1988) .... Dutch Kieffer
- PARANO (1980) .... Psiquiatra
- Poster SUOR OMICIDI (1979) .... Dr. Patrick Roland
- Poster VACANZE PER UN MASSACRO (1979) .... Joe Brezy
- Poster BLACK MOON (1975) .... el Hermano
- Poster AMBIZIOSO, L' (1975) .... Aldo
- SEEDS OF EVIL (1975) .... Carl, el Jardinero
- Poster TEMPO DEGLI ASSASSINI, IL (1975) .... Pierro Giaranaldi
- Poster ANDY WARHOL'S DRACULA (1974) .... Mario Balato, el Sirviente
- Poster ANDY WARHOL'S FRANKENSTEIN (1974) .... Nicholas, Mozo del Establo
- Poster LONESOME COWBOYS (1965) .... Little Joe
 External links
Versión en Español
Cinefania Online
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