James Harrison

 Biographical data


 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of James Harrison movies
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- Poster HELLGATE (1952)
- Poster TALL TARGET, THE (1951) .... Allan Pinkerton
- Poster VENGEANCE VALLEY (1951) .... Orv Esterly
- Poster FIGHTING MAN OF THE PLAINS (1949) .... Slattery
- Poster STAMPEDE (1949) .... Roper
- Poster LAW OF THE WEST (1949) .... Sheriff Al Simpson
- Poster PANHANDLE (1948) .... Harland
- Poster SILENT CONFLICT (1948) .... Speed Blaney
- Poster BORROWED TROUBLE (1947) .... Rocky
- Poster WOMAN IN THE WINDOW, THE (1945) .... Mayordomo
- Poster SAINT IN PALM SPRINGS, THE (1941) .... Botones
- Poster LAWLESS NINETIES, THE (1936) .... Telegrafista
- Poster KING KONG (1933) .... Cameraman
- HANDCUFFED (1929) .... Billy Hatton
- Poster VERA, THE MEDIUM (1917)
 External links
Versión en Español
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