Gale Robbins

Gale Robbins
 Biographical data
Birth: 7 May 1921
Death: 12 February 1980
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Gale Robbins
Gale Robbins
Gale Robbins
 Gale Robbins 

 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Gale Robbins movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- THRILLER 2/65 THE INNOCENT BYSTANDERS (1962) .... Mary Jerold
- PHILIP MARLOWE 1/17 DEATH TAKES A LOVER (1960) .... Kay Reed
- Poster GUNSMOKE IN TUCSON (1958) .... Lou Crenshaw
- Poster QUANTRILL'S RAIDERS (1958) .... Kate Clarke
- Poster DOUBLE JEOPARDY (1955) .... Marge Baggott
- Poster CALAMITY JANE (1953) .... Adelaid Adams
- Poster BETWEEN MIDNIGHT AND DAWN (1950) .... Terry Romaine
- Poster MR. HEX (1946) .... Gloria Williams
 External links
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