Frank Forsyth

 One click to view alternate image  Frank Forsyth Frank Forsyth
 Biographical data
Birth: 19 December 1905
Death: 2 May 1984
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Frank Forsyth
Frank Forsyth
Frank Forsyth
 Frank Forsyth 

 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Frank Forsyth movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- Poster AND NOW THE SCREAMING STARTS! (1973) .... Sirviente
- Poster TALES THAT WITNESS MADNESS (1973) .... Tío Albert
- Poster VAULT OF HORROR (1973)
- Poster ASYLUM (1972) .... Portero del Asilo (ep. 4 MANNIKINS OF HORROR)
- Poster TALES FROM THE CRYPT (1972) .... Vagabundo (ep. 2)
- DEPARTMENT S 1/03 A CELLAR FULL OF SILENCE (1969) .... Norman Fowler
- MAN IN A SUITCASE 1/23 WEB WITH FOUR SPIDERS (1968) .... Comisionado
- MAN IN A SUITCASE 1/24 WHICH WAY DID HE GO, McGILL? (1968) .... Camarero
- Poster DEADLY BEES, THE (1967) .... Doctor
- Poster TERRORNAUTS, THE (1967) .... Tío de Joe
- Poster THEY CAME FROM BEYOND SPACE (1967) .... Blake
- Poster TORTURE GARDEN (1967) .... Vagabundo
- MAN IN A SUITCASE 1/08 ESSAY IN EVIL (1967) .... Chofer
- Poster CARRY ON SCREAMING! (1966) .... Sargento
- Poster PSYCHOPATH, THE (1966) .... Tucker
- Poster SKULL, THE (1965) .... Juez
- Poster EVIL OF FRANKENSTEIN (1964) .... Sirviente
- Poster VERRÄTERTOR, DAS (1964) .... Jefe de Máquinas
- Poster DEVILS OF DARKNESS (1964) .... Cuidador de la Tienda de Antiguedades
- Poster DR. TERROR'S HOUSE OF HORRORS (1964) .... Maestro de Ceremonias
- BLIND CORNER (1963) .... Policía
- Poster TOTER SUCHT SEINEN MÖRDER, EIN (1962) .... Francis
- Poster CIRCLE OF DECEPTION, A (1960)
- BURNING GLASS, THE (1960) .... Inspector Wigg
- SURGEON'S KNIFE, THE (1957) .... Anestesista
- Poster MAN WITHOUT A BODY, THE (1957) .... Guía del Museo
- Poster TIGER BY THE TAIL (1955) .... Sgto. Gross
- Poster BEFORE I WAKE (1955) .... Jack Storey
- DOUBLE EXPOSURE (1954) .... Insp. Grayle
- EMBEZZLER, THE (1954) .... Insp. Gole
- SCOTLAND YARD 1/06 LATE NIGHT FINAL (1954) .... Everitt
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