Elaine Riley

Elaine Riley
 Biographical data
Birth name, credit names: Elaine Louise Riley
Birth: 15 January 1917
Death: 7 December 2015
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Elaine Riley
Elaine Riley
Elaine Riley
 Elaine Riley 

 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Elaine Riley movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- SUPERMAN 6/095 THE ATOMIC CAPTIVE (1958) .... Agente X 29
- Poster DIAL RED 0 (1955) .... Of. Gloria
- Poster TEXAS BAD MAN (1953) .... Lois
- Poster LEADVILLE GUNSLINGER (1952) .... Carol Davis
- Poster HILLS OF UTAH (1951) .... Karen McQueen
- Poster RIDER FROM TUCSON (1950) .... Jane Whipple
- Poster WHERE DANGER LIVES (1950) .... Enf. Bates
- Poster ALIAS NICK BEAL (1949) .... Telefonista
- Poster BIG CLOCK, THE (1948) .... Lily Gold, Reportera de Crimeways
- Poster FALSE PARADISE (1948) .... Anne Larson
- Poster SINISTER JOURNEY (1948) .... Jessie Garvin
- Poster STRANGE GAMBLE (1948) .... Nora Murray
- Poster DANGER STREET (1947) .... Cynthia Van Loan
- Poster DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND, THE (1946) .... Mrs. Evans
- Poster TWO O'CLOCK COURAGE (1945) .... Vendedora de Cigarrillos
- Poster NIGHT OF ADVENTURE, A (1944)
- Poster FALCON AND THE CO-EDS, THE (1943) .... Ellen
 External links
Versión en Español
Cinefania Online
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