Bud Wolfe

Bud Wolfe
 Biographical data
Birth name, credit names: Marion Saling Wolfe Jr.
Birth: 10 June 1910
Death: 13 April 1960
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 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Bud Wolfe movies
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- Poster TARANTULA! (1955) .... Chofer
- Poster NAKED ALIBI (1954) .... Tte. Fitzpatrick
- Poster JEOPARDY (1953) .... Chofer del Teniente
- Poster WAR OF THE WORLDS, THE (1953) .... Hombre
- SUPERMAN 2/028 JET ACE (1953)
- Poster HIS KIND OF WOMAN (1951) .... Marino
- Poster PEOPLE AGAINST O'HARA, THE (1951) .... Detective que Toma Notas
- Poster RACKET, THE (1951) .... Detective
- Poster RACKET, THE (1951) .... Detective con Johnson en el Club Paradise
- Poster RADAR PATROL VS. SPY KING (1950) .... Secuaz
- BROKEN ARROW (1950) .... Pueblerino
- Poster HIGHWAY 301 (1950) .... Oficial en el Hospital
- Poster INVISIBLE MONSTER, THE (1950) .... Harding
- Poster MAN WHO CHEATED HIMSELF, THE (1950) .... Of. Blair
- Poster CRISS CROSS (1949)
- Poster FEDERAL AGENTS VS. UNDERWORLD INC. (1949) .... Secuaz
- Poster KING OF THE ROCKET MEN (1949) .... Clay (ep. 9) / Doble de Riesgo
- Poster DANGERS OF THE CANADIAN MOUNTED (1948) .... Zeke, un Secuaz / Doble de Riesgo
- Poster G-MEN NEVER FORGET (1948) .... Foy, un Secuaz (ep. 1)
- Poster HOLLOW TRIUMPH (1948) .... Al
- Poster CANON CITY (1948) .... Of. Clark
- Poster BLACK WIDOW, THE (1947) .... Guardia en el Avión / Doble de Riesgo
- Poster BLACKMAIL (1947) .... Gomez
- Poster JESSE JAMES RIDES AGAIN (1947) .... Secuaz
- Poster SON OF ZORRO (1947) .... Haskell, un Secuaz (ep. 3)
- Poster THEY WON'T BELIEVE ME (1947) .... Chofer
- Poster CODE OF THE WEST (1947) .... Doble de Riesgo: Raymond Burr
- Poster CATMAN OF PARIS, THE (1946)
- Poster CRIMSON GHOST, THE (1946) .... Cross, un Secuaz (ep. 1-2, 8, 11-12)
- Poster FALCON'S ADVENTURE, THE (1946) .... Marino
- Poster KING OF THE FOREST RANGERS (1946) .... Piloto
- Poster DAUGHTER OF DON Q (1946) .... Secuaz del Depósito
- Poster MASTER KEY, THE (1945) .... Matón en el Depósito
- Poster FROZEN GHOST, THE (1945) .... Taxista
- Poster I'LL REMEMBER APRIL (1945) .... Roughneck
- Poster SECRET AGENT X-9 (1945) .... Secuaz de Ah Fong
- Poster DESTINY (1944) .... Policía
- Poster LAND OF THE OUTLAWS (1944) .... Saloon Dealer Drake
- Poster TIGER WOMAN, THE (1944) .... 1er. Secuaz en Herrería (ep. 1, 9)
- Poster HAUNTED HARBOR (1944) .... Secuaz en Cueva (ep. 7)
- Poster ADVENTURES OF SMILIN' JACK, THE (1943) .... Doble de Riesgo: Victor Wong
- Poster G-MEN VS. THE BLACK DRAGON (1943) .... Secuaz en Depósito (ep. 4)
- Poster PERILS OF NYOKA (1942) .... Líder de los Tuareg
- Poster SPY SMASHER (1942) .... Craig, Policía en el Depósito / Doble de Riesgo
- Poster DICK TRACY VS. CRIME INC. (1941) .... Secuaz (ep. 9) / Doble de Riesgo: Ralph Byrd
- Poster KING OF THE TEXAS RANGERS (1941) .... Matón
- Poster SEA RAIDERS (1941) .... Doble de Riesgo: Morgan Wallace y John McGuire
- Poster MYSTERIOUS DOCTOR SATAN (1940) .... Marino en el Cable (ep. 3) / Doble de Riesgo
- Poster DAREDEVILS OF THE RED CIRCLE (1939) .... Chofer del Camión de la Perrera (ep. 3)
- Poster MANDRAKE, THE MAGICIAN (1939) .... Secuaz en la Torre (ep. 7-8)
- Poster DICK TRACY'S G-MEN (1939) .... Bill, Bioquímico (ep. 8-9) / Secuaz (ep. 11)
- Poster LONE RANGER RIDES AGAIN, THE (1939) .... Jinete de la Partida (ep. 7) / Doble
- Poster SON OF FRANKENSTEIN (1939) .... Doble de Riesgo: Boris Karloff
- Poster DICK TRACY RETURNS (1938) .... Secuaz (ep. 2) / Jake, Falso Médico (ep. 11-12)
- Poster FLASH GORDON'S TRIP TO MARS (1938) .... Soldado Marciano - Piloto (ep. 2)
 External links
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