Billy Bevan

 One click to view alternate image  Billy Bevan Billy Bevan
 Biographical data
Birth name, credit names: William Bevan Harris
Birth: 29 September 1887
Death: 26 November 1957
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Billy Bevan
Billy Bevan
Billy Bevan
 Billy Bevan 

 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Billy Bevan movies
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- Poster LOVE FROM A STRANGER (1947) .... Taxista
- Poster MOSS ROSE (1947) .... Taxista
- Poster TERROR BY NIGHT (1946) .... Guarda de Tren
- Poster PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY, THE (1945) .... Malvolio Jones
- Poster SCOTLAND YARD INVESTIGATOR (1945) .... Porteador
- Poster INVISIBLE MAN'S REVENGE, THE (1944) .... Sargento de Policía
- Poster LODGER, THE (1944) .... Barman
- Poster PEARL OF DEATH, THE (1944) .... Policía
- Poster FOREVER AND A DAY (1943) .... Taxista
- Poster RETURN OF THE VAMPIRE, THE (1943) .... Horace, Obrero de Defensa Civil
- Poster COUNTER-ESPIONAGE (1942) .... George Barrow
- Poster I MARRIED A WITCH (1942) .... Vendedor
- Poster LONDON BLACKOUT MURDERS (1942) .... Guardia Civil
- Poster MAN WHO WOULDN'T DIE, THE (1942) .... Phillips, el Mayordomo
- Poster DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE (1941) .... Dr. Weller
- Poster SUSPICION (1941) .... Encargado
- Poster INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS, THE (1940) .... Guardia
- Poster REBECCA (1940) .... Policía
- Poster ARREST BULLDOG DRUMMOND (1939) .... Guardia del Acuario
- Poster GRAND JURY SECRETS (1939) .... Masajista
- Poster CHRISTMAS CAROL, A (1938) .... Oficial
- Poster MYSTERIOUS MR. MOTO (1938) .... Oficial de Aduana
- Poster SHADOWS OVER SHANGHAI (1938) .... Gallcuddy
- Poster DRACULA'S DAUGHTER (1936) .... Of. Albert
- LLOYDS OF LONDON (1936) .... Posadero
- Poster MYSTERY WOMAN (1935) .... Jepson
- Poster TALE OF TWO CITIES, A (1935) .... Jerry Cruncher
- Poster BULLDOG DRUMMOND STRIKES BACK (1934) .... Hombre en el Cuarto de Hotel
- Poster ALICE IN WONDERLAND (1933) .... 2 de Espadas
- Poster STUDY IN SCARLET, A (1933) .... Will Swallow
- Poster PAYMENT DEFERRED (1932) .... Hammond
- Poster SILENT WITNESS, THE (1932) .... Horace Ward
- Poster FOR THE DEFENSE (1930) .... Borracho
- Poster EASY PICKINGS (1927) .... Detective
- Should Sleepwalkers Marry? (1927) .... Charley Carter
- Sea Dog's Tale, A (1926) .... Wilbur Wattts
- Super-Hooper-Dyne Lizzies (1925) .... Hiram Case
- One Spooky Night (1924) .... A.J. Bird Jr.
 External links
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