Art Miles

Art Miles
 Biographical data
Birth name, credit names: Arthur Kevin Mailhoit
Birth: 15 February 1901
Death: 6 November 1955
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Art Miles
Art Miles
Art Miles
 Art Miles 

 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Art Miles movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- Poster GREAT JEWEL ROBBER, THE (1950) .... Oficial de Policía
- Poster DESPERATE (1947) .... Chofer
- Poster NIGHT IN PARADISE, A (1946) .... Ciudadano
- Poster SPOOK BUSTERS (1946) .... Herman, el Gorilla [credited as Arthur Miles]
- Poster ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES (1944) .... Guardia Mongol
- Poster CONSPIRATORS, THE (1944) .... Guardiacárceles
- Poster CRAZY KNIGHTS (1944) .... Barney, el Gorila
- Poster JOHNNY EAGER (1942) .... Tte. Allan
- Poster SIN TOWN (1942) .... Secuaz
- Poster SPOILERS, THE (1942) .... Alguacil
- Poster PERILS OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED (1942) .... Jefe Nube Voladora
- Poster RIDERS OF DEATH VALLEY (1941) .... Evergreen, un Secuaz (ep. 10-11)
- Poster DARK STREETS OF CAIRO (1941) .... Hombre Robusto
- Poster STRANGE CARGO (1940) .... 1er. Subordinado
- Poster MARKED MEN (1940) .... Blimp, un Secuaz
- Poster GORILLA, THE (1939) .... el Gorila
- Poster HAWK OF THE WILDERNESS (1938) .... Guerrero Okoboji
- Poster CHARLIE CHAN ON BROADWAY (1937) .... Porteador
- Poster ROAMING COWBOY, THE (1937) .... Red
- Poster ANTHONY ADVERSE (1936) .... Estibador
- Poster BARBARY COAST (1935) .... Apostador
- Poster SILENT VALLEY (1935) .... Alguacil George Hull
 External links
Versión en Español
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