Art Dillard

Art Dillard
 Biographical data
Birth name, credit names: Charles Arthur Dillard
Birth: 20 February 1907
Death: 30 March 1960
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 List of movies
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- Poster LEADVILLE GUNSLINGER (1952) .... Centinela
- Poster WHIRLWIND (1951) .... Secuaz
- Poster HEART OF THE ROCKIES (1951) .... Doble de Riesgo
- Poster VIGILANTE HIDEOUT (1950) .... Henchman Pete
- Poster GHOST OF ZORRO (1949) .... Pueblerino
- Poster SON OF ZORRO (1947) .... Alguacil (ep. 3)
- Poster BANDITS OF DARK CANYON (1947) .... Secuaz
- Poster WILD FRONTIER, THE (1947)
- Poster LAW OF THE LASH (1947) .... Secuaz
- Poster PHANTOM RIDER, THE (1946) .... Atacante
- Poster HIS BROTHER'S GHOST (1945) .... Secuaz
- Poster SHADOWS OF DEATH (1945) .... Jugador de Poker
- Poster COLT COMRADES (1943) .... Red, un Secuaz
- Poster DAREDEVILS OF THE WEST (1943) .... Indio
- Poster DEATH RIDES THE PLAINS (1943) .... Matón
- Poster DEVIL RIDERS (1943)
- Poster FUGITIVE OF THE PLAINS (1943) .... Secuaz Pete
- Poster MYSTERIOUS RIDER, THE (1942) .... Alguacil / Doble de Riesgo
- Poster OVERLAND MAIL (1942) .... Pueblerino
- Poster PERILS OF NYOKA (1942) .... Tuareg
- Poster PRAIRIE PALS (1942) .... Parroquiano
- Poster VALLEY OF VANISHING MEN, THE (1942) .... Matón
- Poster OUTLAWS OF BOULDER PASS (1942) .... Jinete
- Poster SHERIFF OF SAGE VALLEY (1942) .... Ranchero
- Poster PHANTOM COWBOY, THE (1941) .... Secuaz
- Poster RIDERS OF DEATH VALLEY (1941) .... Minero (ep. 10)
- Poster PIONEERS OF THE WEST (1940) .... Alguacil
- Poster ADVENTURES OF RED RYDER (1940) .... Secuaz (ep. 10-11)
- Poster ARIZONA GANG BUSTERS (1940) .... Secuaz / Doble de Riesgo
- Poster BORDER LEGION, THE (1940) .... Parroquiano
- Poster CAROLINA MOON (1940) .... Jinete del Rodeo
- Poster CARSON CITY KID, THE (1940) .... Parroquiano
- Poster DRUMS OF FU MANCHU (1940) .... Dacoit en el Cuartel General (ep. 3-6)
- Poster GUN CODE (1940) .... Secuaz
- Poster HEROES OF THE SADDLE (1940) .... Espectador del Rodeo
- Poster HIDDEN GOLD (1940) .... Secuaz
- Poster LONE STAR RAIDERS (1940) .... Peón
- Poster MAN FROM TUMBLEWEEDS, THE (1940) .... Secuaz
- Poster OKLAHOMA RENEGADES (1940) .... Veterano de Guerra
- Poster PIONEERS OF THE FRONTIER (1940) .... Alguacil
- Poster PRAIRIE SCHOONERS (1940) .... Secuaz
- Poster RAGTIME COWBOY JOE (1940) .... Secuaz
- Poster RANGER AND THE LADY, THE (1940) .... Carretero
- Poster TULSA KID, THE (1940) .... Secuaz
- Poster YOUNG BILL HICKOK (1940) .... Jinete
- Poster WINNERS OF THE WEST (1940) .... Obrero
- Poster RIDERS OF BLACK MOUNTAIN (1940) .... Pueblerino
- Poster DEADWOOD DICK (1940) .... Obrero
- Poster WAGONS WESTWARD (1940) .... Parroquiano
- Poster BILLY THE KID'S GUN JUSTICE (1940) .... Jinete
- Poster BILLY THE KID IN TEXAS (1940) .... Secuaz
- Poster ARIZONA KID, THE (1939) .... Secuaz de McBride
- Poster FRONTIER PONY EXPRESS (1939) .... Secuaz de Johnson
- Poster HOME ON THE PRAIRIE (1939) .... Alguacil
- Poster LONE RANGER RIDES AGAIN, THE (1939) .... Guardia de la Diligencia (ep. 6, 11)
- Poster MAN FROM SUNDOWN, THE (1939) .... Secuaz
- Poster NIGHT RIDERS, THE (1939) .... Hombre de la Turba
- Poster PHANTOM STAGE, THE (1939) .... Alguacil Pete / Doble de Riesgo
- Poster ROUGH RIDERS' ROUND-UP (1939) .... Jinete
- Poster SAGA OF DEATH VALLEY (1939) .... Secuaz
- Poster SOUTHWARD HO (1939) .... Soldado de la Unión
- Poster THUNDERING WEST, THE (1939) .... Secuaz
- Poster SPOILERS OF THE RANGE (1939) .... Jurado
- Poster BILLY THE KID RETURNS (1938) .... Secuaz
- Poster BLACK BANDIT (1938) .... Secuaz
- Poster CATTLE RAIDERS (1938) .... Pueblerino
- Poster FIGHTING DEVIL DOGS (1938) .... Secuaz con Granada (ep. 2)
- Poster GOLD MINE IN THE SKY (1938) .... Peón
- Poster HEROES OF THE HILLS (1938) .... Secuaz
- Poster LAW WEST OF TOMBSTONE, THE (1938) .... Parroquiano
- Poster LONE RANGER, THE (1938) .... Soldado de Caballería
- Poster OUTLAWS OF SONORA (1938) .... Alguacil
- Poster PALS OF THE SADDLE (1938) .... Secuaz en la Refinería
- Poster RENEGADE RANGER (1938) .... Bravucón en el Saloon / Doble de Riesgo
- Poster RHYTHM OF THE SADDLE (1938) .... Peón del Silver Saddle
- Poster RIDERS OF THE BLACK HILLS (1938) .... Secuaz
- Poster UNDER WESTERN STARS (1938) .... Guardia
- Poster STAGECOACH DAYS (1938) .... Secuaz
- Poster GUNSMOKE TRAIL (1938) .... Apostador
- Poster GAMBLING TERROR, THE (1937) .... Joe, Secuaz de Brett
- Poster LAWLESS LAND (1937) .... Secuaz
- Poster PUBLIC COWBOY NO. 1 (1937) .... Cuatrero
- Poster RANGE DEFENDERS (1937) .... Pueblerino
- Poster RANGERS STEP IN, THE (1937) .... Jinete de Allen
- Poster RED ROPE, THE (1937) .... Peón
- RIDERS OF THE WHISTLING SKULL (1937) .... Espectador
- Poster ROARING SIX GUNS (1937) .... Secuaz
- Poster SPRINGTIME IN THE ROCKIES (1937) .... Peón
- Poster OLD WYOMING TRAIL, THE (1937) .... Secuaz
- Poster WILD HORSE RODEO (1937) .... Bud, un Secuaz
- Poster YODELIN' KID FROM PINE RIDGE (1937) .... Espectador del Rodeo
- Poster OUTLAWS OF THE PRAIRIE (1937) .... Forajido
- Poster BATTLE OF GREED (1937) .... Secuaz
- Poster GUNS OF THE PECOS (1937) .... Secuaz
- Poster SUDDEN BILL DORN (1937) .... Parroquiano
- Poster TWO GUN LAW (1937) .... Peón
- Poster TWO-FISTED SHERIFF (1937) .... Slim, Ladrón de Diligencias
- Poster FIGHTING TEXAN (1937) .... Peón de Walton
- BAR-Z BAD MEN (1937) .... Secuaz
- Poster BORDER CABALLERO (1936) .... Secuaz
- Poster CAVALCADE OF THE WEST (1936) .... Pueblerino
- Poster CAVALRY (1936) .... Jugador de Naipes
- Poster DESERT PHANTOM (1936) .... Secuaz
- Poster EVERYMAN'S LAW (1936) .... Regas, un Secuaz
- Poster GHOST PATROL (1936) .... Shorty, un Secuaz
- Poster GHOST-TOWN GOLD (1936) .... Pueblerino
- Poster GUNS AND GUITARS (1936) .... Pueblerino
- Poster LAST OF THE WARRENS (1936) .... Secuaz / Doble de Riesgo
- Poster LAW RIDES, THE (1936) .... Secuaz
- Poster LAWLESS NINETIES, THE (1936) .... Secuaz
- Poster PHANTOM PATROL (1936) .... Secuaz
- Poster RIDING AVENGER, THE (1936) .... Secuaz
- Poster ROARIN' GUNS (1936) .... Secuaz / Doble de Riesgo
- Poster ROGUE OF THE RANGE (1936) .... Art, un Peón
- Poster SONG OF THE TRAIL (1936) .... Art, un Peón
- Poster THREE ON THE TRAIL (1936) .... Ranchero
- Poster TRAITOR, THE (1936) .... Hombre
- Poster UNDERCOVER MAN (1936) .... Matón
- Poster VIGILANTES ARE COMING, THE (1936) .... Cosaco
- Poster WILD HORSE ROUND-UP (1936) .... Secuaz / Doble de Riesgo
- Poster WILDCAT TROOPER, THE (1936) .... Secuaz / Doble de Riesgo
- Poster CODE OF THE RANGE (1936) .... Secuaz
- Poster RIO GRANDE RANGER (1936) .... Vaquero
- Poster FUGITIVE SHERIFF, THE (1936) .... Secuaz
- Poster TRAILIN' WEST (1936) .... Soldado
- Poster LION'S DEN, THE (1936) .... Cowboy en el Tren
- Poster BETWEEN MEN (1935) .... Matón
- CHEYENNE TORNADO, THE (1935) .... Secuaz
- Poster COURAGEOUS AVENGER (1935) .... Bill, un Secuaz
- Poster DANGER TRAILS (1935) .... Pueblerino / Doble de Riesgo
- Poster GUN PLAY (1935) .... Secuaz
- Poster LARAMIE KID, THE (1935) .... Convicto
- Poster NEW FRONTIER, THE (1935) .... Parroquiano
- Poster NO MAN'S RANGE (1935) .... Secuaz
- Poster RAINBOW VALLEY (1935) .... Pueblerino
- Poster RED BLOOD OF COURAGE (1935) .... Secuaz
- Poster RIDER OF THE LAW, THE (1935) .... Peón
- Poster STORMY (1935) .... Peón
- Poster TEXAS JACK (1935) .... Parroquiano / Doble de Riesgo
- Poster SUNDOWN SAUNDERS (1935) .... Peón
- Poster CODE OF THE MOUNTED (1935) .... Oficial de la Policía Montada / Secuaz
- Poster HEIR TO TROUBLE (1935) .... Secuaz
- Poster WOLF RIDERS (1935) .... Renegado
- Poster BORN TO BATTLE (1935) .... Parroquiano
- Poster TRACY RIDES (1935) .... Pastor
- Poster TRIGGER TOM (1935) .... Buck, un Secuaz
- Poster LAWLESS RIDERS (1935) .... Secuaz
- Poster JUDGEMENT BOOK, THE (1935) .... Secuaz
- Poster SILENT VALLEY (1935) .... Alguacil
- Poster LOSER'S END (1935) .... Secuaz
- Poster COYOTE TRAILS (1935) .... Peón
- Poster IN OLD SANTA FE (1934) .... Peón
- Poster LAW OF THE WILD, THE (1934) .... Pueblerino
- Poster PRESCOTT KID (1934) .... Cuatrero
- Poster GUNFIRE (1934) .... Secuaz
- Poster TERROR OF THE PLAINS (1934) .... Guardia en el Paso / Doble de Riesgo
- Poster SOMEWHERE IN SONORA (1933) .... Secuaz
- Poster FIGHTING FOR JUSTICE (1932) .... Secuaz
- Poster TEXAS PIONEERS (1932) .... Soldado
- Poster TOMBSTONE CANYON (1932) .... Doble de Riesgo
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