Edición en DVD

Brotherhood Of The Wolf: Director's Cut

Brotherhood Of The Wolf: Director\'s Cut
Pantalla: 2.35:1
Idioma: Inglés-Francés
Subtítulos: Inglés-Español-Francés
Código: 61104683
Sello: Universal Home Entertainment
Lanzamiento: 26/08/2008
- Deleted Scenes: 40 minutes of additional footage from the film.
- The Guts of the Beast: Explore the creation of the movie, from its unlikely genesis to the breathtaking fight scenes and daring digital effects.
- Documentary: Go on-location with the cast and crew as they deal with everything from fight choreography to costume decisions and weather challenges.
- Legend: Uncover the chilling historical facts behind the legend of the vicious Gevaudan Beast.
- Storyboards: See extensive storyboard galleries from some of the film's most memorable scenes.

English Version
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